Our technology paves the way to unprecedented possibilities. For the creative and technical minds.
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Nothing is more inspiring than the amazement.
Our technology paves the way to unprecedented possibilities in lighting, projection and interior design. Using a Mirror Head will allow you to use any surface for your projections and reach angles that are not in the projection range of statically positioned projectors.
Last but not least, by using moving projections, you can catch and guide clients to the right spot in your location, specifically where you would like them to notice a tailored promotion or sales offer. Any message can easily be changed to individually customize the projection to target the right audience. With a dynamic big scale projection, you are offering a new and modern form of entertainment with the "Wow Effect" that will impress all and allow you to truly use the world as your stage.
Examples of locations where our products have been used:
Big Scale (Buildings...)
Opera Houses
Event Locations
Shopping Windows
Digital Signage
Waiting Areas
Interior Design
Conference Rooms
Bars & Cafés
Corporate Parties