Mirror Head revolutionizes the Dynamic Projection. Promote yourself.
Whether you use projections for retail, exhibitions, presentations, big scale building projections, art or other applications, the projections can be moved up, down, left and right to reach certain angles that are not in the projection range for statically positioned projectors.
With the possibility to move projections from one position to another, Dynamic Projection Institute guarantees highly accurate positioning to achieve state-of-the-art projection installations. Static projection belongs to the past. The journey into a new visual experience begins here!
The Mirror Head fits on almost any projector.
The Mirror Head is an add-on for your projector. It is a high-tech digitally operated mirror that you mount to your projector to project content onto any surfaces (e.g. objects, walls, floors, ceilings). It is also important to note that the Mirror Head is produced in Austria and is extendable to almost any projector from 3K up to 50K brightness.
Future Projections
In the future companies in all industries will have to use new technologies to promote their products and services. The Mirror Head is a perfect tool using new technologies.