Dynamic Projection Institute GmbH is an Austrian company that manufactures state-of-the-art video projection technology. The company mission is to offer innovative solutions to extend the functionality of video projectors. Making sure that the customer stays at the core of each decision allows the team to provide the best support and always share insightful technical know-how.
The Dynamic Projection Control Center - DPCC is the latest tool developed by Dynamic Projection Institute GmbH that offers a complete solution to use the Mirror Head...
Industrial 4.0 Site Assembly
Today, industrial assembly of large equipment is often organized as site assembly. Information is provided on paper or stationary PC-terminals and employees have to walk long distances to receive information.
Gallery Invasion
Monkey escapes from painting to surf web! It’s a Gallery Invasion by Skullmapping.
Yes, it is possible that paintings in an art gallery come to life. Did you see the video that is going viral on social media? More than 20 million views already!
Pipilotti Rist – Pixel Forest
In this new installation, Pipilotti Rist reveals the connections between the development of her art and the evolution of contemporary technologies.
User Experiences
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